La suite de 5 Childrens and It, écrite en 1904, retrouve les enfants qui découvrent un oeuf dans le tapis que leur mère a acheté. Il en sort un Phoenix qui parle et qui leur explique que le tapis réalisera trois souhaits par jour. La BBC l'adaptera en 1965, 1976 et 1997 tandis qu'un film mettant en vedette Peter Ustinov sort en 1995. Written in 1904 by E. Nesbit, it is the second in a trilogy of novels that began with Five Children and It. Their mother buys the children a new carpet. They find an egg in the carpet which hatches into a talking Phoenix. The Phoenix explains that the carpet is a magical one that will grant them three wishes per day. There have been at least four adaptations of the novel. The BBC produced three television series: one in 1965 and two that aired under the original title in 1976 and 1997, and there is the 1995 movie starring Peter Ustinov.